On Facilitation and Cohorts
Watching cohorts come together is an endless source of curiosity for me. If the curriculum is (largely) the same, if I am (largely) the same, what makes a group coalesce — or not?
Watching cohorts come together is an endless source of curiosity for me. If the curriculum is (largely) the same, if I am (largely) the same, what makes a group coalesce — or not?
We’re having a reunion for all graduates of So Now You’re a Manager. It’s part HEY! YOU AGAIN! and it’s part Jen Teaches Us and it’s also part Alumni Wisdom. Because your colleagues (maybe even you?) are going to be presenting talks this time.
“Even though it doesn’t always feel like it in the moment, I want to be challenged. I am often so wrapped up in managing the day-to-day that I don’t put any time into my own professional and intellectual development. I appreciate my supervisor challenging me to better myself.”
Why do folks resist moving into management? “Early in your career, a lot of management looks like creating an obstacle course for team members to traverse.”
“We have so much more to contribute than we often dare to acknowledge.”
“Getting better at managing has caused me to also get better at empathy. While my target is to get the best performance out of my team, I can’t do that unless I can get a good understanding of why they are distracted, and that’s often from things outside of the office.”
“Good feedback is focused feedback, and it’s ok if no one sees all the edits you discarded to get there.”
“When contemplating your team, think potluck over melting pot. While working toward the same business/project goal, the team should be made up of individuals with varying strengths and perspectives.”
“Improv has been one of the most amazing tools in my toolbelt when it comes to management. It prepares you for unforeseen circumstances and makes you comfortable heading into the unknown.”
“My manager heart is happy when we’re hitting our goals as a team and everyone feels a sense of purpose.”
This is a great location for folks living in Portland, Vancouver, Denver, the Bay Area and up and down the coast as this will be the last event out west in 2019!
“People often get credit based on their power or seniority, not their actual contributions. It’s my job to change that, not just in private 1:1 settings but in public meetings as well.”