Dearest SNYAM alumni,
When we last saw each other, I was handing you a Pluck-up. You had just graduated our 2-day training and you were headed back to your desk with some new skills, some polished ones and a whole bunch of new friends.
But there were things we never got to cover. And, as you know, your job has kept changing. (Wiley, those management jobs, aren’t they?)
So we’re having a reunion for all graduates of So Now You’re a Manager. It’s part HEY! YOU AGAIN! and it’s part Jen Teaches Us and it’s also part Alumni Wisdom. Because your colleagues (maybe even you?) are going to be presenting talks this time.
Wednesday, May 13: Evening drinks, Speaker dinner
Thursday, May 14 – Friday, May 15:
– The Anatomy of Power
– Swimming Upstream: the art of managing up
– Supporting Underperformers
– Surprise activities
– Peer-led talks & workshops (topics include remote management, keeping your boss happy, making hiring practices more inclusive, the art of persistence, polished tech screens when hiring engineers, etc.)
– Breakfast, lunch, snacks
Location: McMenamin’s Kennedy School in Portland, Ore.
The point: To learn, to unwind and to come together again as another version of the community you met the first time around.