June 2024 newsletter

I feel like you will understand this metaphor.

You know how sometimes you’re at a restaurant and there’s a couple on a date (or a group of friends) and all parties are looking at their phones? And you’re like… WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS GATHERING?

This is how I feel when I hear about a lot of one-on-one meetings. There is so much left on the field when it comes to these valuable touchpoints.

If you’re feeling like everyone’s checked out during these regular meetings or (gasp!) they don’t even happen, I bet you’re wondering how you could change things. HAVE NO FEAR, NEWSLETTER FRIENDS, I HAVE WRITTEN YOU AN ARTICLE and it was published this week in none other than Harvard Business Review! Only the best for you!

I’m not going to share the text here because I had to sign some copyright papers and I don’t want to mess around with HBR lawyers, so go ahead and click this link to go read it. It’s smart! And helpful! And after 20 rounds of editing, very grammatically-sound!

So Now You’re a Manager in October!

Tickets are live! We will run the next So Now You’re a Manager training in October (10/4, 10/11, 10/18). Want to be one of the 12 attendees? Reserve your ticket now!

SNYAM is an experiential training where you’ll gain skills, practice concepts and build community. We will cover:
– defining your leadership style
– practicing hard conversations
– spelling out what success looks like in the role
– finding accountability partners
– talking genuinely about managing UP
– acknowledging and preparing for burn-out
– strategies for giving feedback
– what to do in a one-on-one
– how to move things forward

If you resonate with this stuff, PLEASE JOIN US! 

Coaching spots

After a long time with a waitlist, I’m excited to say I’ve got a couple of coaching spots opening up in July. Are you looking for support?

You might be a good fit for coaching if you are:
– facing a career transition
– lost/struggle with/challenged by your current role
– wanting to move forward in your career goals
– OTHER (Coaching can be great for new parents, underrepresented folks on leadership teams, folks recently diagnosed with ADHD, etc!)

Interested? Shoot me a note at hello@beplucky.com or respond to this here newsletter!

Last of all…

I just signed a deal to teach workshops for a company IN PERSON later this year. Man, it’s been a while. Covid + kids + companies decreasing professional development budgets have made it so that I’ve been teaching virtually for a few years and I am so excited to be doing some in-person learning.

Are you interested in hosting a workshop? The shape of my fall work schedule is still forming and I’d be very happy to plan and design something helpful to your team.

In 2024, in-person is SUBVERSIVE. Let’s get together and buck the trends!

xo Jen

PS Want to subscribe to Plucky’s monthly newsletter? Give us your deets here: www.beplucky.com/newsletter.