The Training You’ve Been Waiting For Has Arrived!

What does a successful day look like as a manager? What are the nuts and bolts of the job? And how are you supposed to get anything done when your calendar is booked solid with meetings? So Now You’re A Manager is the leadership training you never had. Come for the support, stay for the sane peers and leave with tangibles that will change the way you steer your ship.

Who: Managers who have been in the role for 5 years or less

What: Define your leadership style, spell out what success looks like in the role, acknowledge why you deserve to be a manager, introduce yourself to accountability partners, talk genuinely about managing UP, practice hard conversations and build your local peer network. You’ll learn strategies for giving feedback, keeping 1:1s on the calendar and moving things forward. Then, a month after training, each attendee will have a 30 minute coaching call with Jen to check in on how you’re implementing what you learned.

When: Wednesday, June 28–Thursday, June 29, 2017

Where: Brooklyn, NY

Workshops with Plucky

Here’s What Our Attendees Have to Say

Jen’s human-first manager training program is inspiring, useful, and just plain fun. ‘Have hard conversations on the regular, and they’re not so hard anymore.’ Done and done.

Liam Thurston / Creative Director,

With her amazing confidence and stellar approach to tough topics, Jen easily captures the attention of a room. Jen inspires you to be your best self and work towards defining the career path you’ve always wanted.
Kim Beaudin / Drupal Development Manager, Yellow Pencil

Photo of Jennifer Dary, founder of Plucky

So Now You’re a Manager is taught by Jen Dary, founder of Plucky. Jen is a leadership coach and consultant who helps teams work better. She is an expert facilitator, connector of humans and believes strong managers are key to the success of any large group of humans.